

0cm 600cm


Gathering ratio


Possible assembly mode

Curtain position


Custom size

Possible rail number


Operation mode

Corner joining



No-drill brackets

Roller blind mounting


Great variability, two optional surfaces, beautiful accessories, four colors, great price. These are the characteristics of the Motivo profile, so you may find the best solution for your window.

Elegante Start

Elegante profile, with Motivo bracket and end cap. This profile combines Elegante minimalism with Motivo practicality and great price.


Változatos színvilág, izgalmas minták, kellemes tapintás. Mindezt két méretben: 150cm x 200cm és 200cm x 230cm. Termékeink összetétele: 86% Akril, 7% Poliészter, 7% Pamut


Polished, clear lined premium single profile is an essential accessory for a modern interior. Many extra and carefully crafted solutions made it the king of our profiles.


Two tracks, curved front, eight various color variation,  clear and modern form, practical, excellent price-quality ratio. This is how our Decolino makes your home special. 


Due to its unique cord operation system, even the heavy textile's cord operation is easily possible with our Tractus profile. Its robust appearance and massive gliders represent its strength.


Single rail profile, horizontally bendable, recommended for light curtains. Due to its high, white visible front, wall mounting is advised.


Single rail profile with velcro, horizontally bendable. Recommended for light curtains and for draperies.


Exceptionally versatile, single rail profile, horizontally and vertically bendable, which can be equipped with cord-drawn mechanisms, if needed. Recommended for light curtains.


Double-rail, stable, barely visible on the ceiling. Because of its advantegous price and compatibility with cord-drawn mechanisms it is a beloved profile, which is recommended for light and medium-weight curtains.


Made with rotatable dual purpose sides with two and three track, very stable, hardly visible on the ceiling. This model is very popular , excellent value for money. Recommended to medium and heavy curtains too.

Classic motorized curtain rail

We manufacture our motorized curtain tracks to individual sizes. The motor can be controlled in several ways: with a traditional wall switch, a radio remote control and a smart application.

Corded inline roman blind

The corded inline roman blind is a simpler mechanism, where the fabric is moved with the help of a cord. Recommended for light fabrics and with low ceiling height.

Professional motorized curtain rail

We manufacture our motorized curtain tracks to individual sizes. The motor can be controlled in several ways: with a traditional wall switch, a radio remote control and a smart application.

Corded XL roman blind

The corded XL roman blind is recommended for wider windows, since its components are designed for bigger loads. Recommended for light fabrics and low ceiling height.


Az ólomzsinórok a függönyök alsó élére varrt nehezékek, amik garantálják a fényáteresztők és egyéb könnyű dekorfüggönyök szabályos esését.

Paired eyelets

A páros ringlik két, összeillő darabból állnak. Egyszerűbb megoldást jelentenek, hiszen a kivágott függönyre vart ringliszalagba illesztve feltehetővé válik a függöny.

Open cassette roman blind

Open cassette roman blind has higher weight bearing capacities than inline roman blinds. With options for two different transmissions, even heavier fabrics can be handled with ease and with the help of metal ballchains in various colours it can be made even more aesthetic. 


Offers a minimalist, simple but modern solution, during which fabrics are mounted without gathering. Either hand or cord operated tracks are available with various pulling orders.

Plastic profiles

Entry level products for curtain profiles, which serve their purpose right with numerous accessories. With wooden inserted plastic profiles, higher stability can be achieved, so even heavier fabrics shall not represent any issue.

Empire 25 mm curtain rods

The emperor of curtain rods. With its 25 mm diameter it remains remarkable even next to the biggest window surfaces or with the highest ceiling height, in this way we recommend it for any bourgeois home or scandinavian style appartment.

Hellas 19 mm curtain rods

Hellas curtain rods are for spaces where the curtain rod itself can be a unique part of the design , since it stands out as an accented adornment.

16 mm curtain rods

Entry level products for curtain rods. Recommended for lighter fabrics with lower ceiling heights, if you prefer metallic, traditional styles.

Wooden Rod

Our wooden curtain rod sets contain all necessary components (rod, brackets, finials, rings) for mounting. Much sought-after due to its advantageous price and traditional look.

Coffeehouse rods

In many cases, because of no room for curtain rods due to the structure of your window or because of the necessity to look out requires curtains to be fixed directly onto the windowframes. These rods holding completely transparent, light curtains are referred to as coffeehouse rods or commonly as vitrage rods.



We offer among others the classic steel clips for I-profiles, the shell shaped Classic steel clips, plastic clips with roller or ring clips, so you may find the suitable color or shape for your curtain.

Pencil pleat curtain tapes

The classic pleating, which puts the material in perfect curls. Available in various pleating ratio, 25, 30, 50 and 100 mm width, variable in white and transparent.

Multiple pleated curtain tapes

Popular pleats, with various possibilities. The tapes forms uniform sequences, pleating the curtain into bows of 1, 2, 3 or 4 pleats per sequence. Available in various ratios, widths of 25 or 50 mm, white or transparent colours.

Design curtain tapes

This choice equals custom appearance, special implementation. The lovers of the classical or modern styles can all find the tapes that fit their desire, be it goblet, bow or ypsilon pattern. Similarly to other kinds of curtain tapes, different pleating ratios, widths and colours are available in this range. 

Ripple fold curtain tapes

Contrary to the variability of other kinds of curtain tapes, this type creates regular waves on the fabric. These provide extremely elegant, extra outlook to the textile.

Side weights

Az oldalnehezékeket a függönyök alsó sarkaiba helyezik, így biztosra vehető, hogy az anyag szépen essen, illetve csökkenti annak az esélyét, hogy nagyobb huzat kirántsa magával az ablakon a függönyt.

Buckeled eyelets

A kapcsos ringlik egy, a kapcsos ringliszalaghoz csatlakoztatható darabból állnak. Az együttes lényege, hogy a kapcsos távtartó segítségével egyenlő távolságokra kerülnek egymástól a ringlik, így dekoratív hullámos képet ad a függönyünk.

Bias tape

A ferdepántokat különböző textilanyagok széleinek díszítésére, tisztázására használják. Hozzáértő kezek között rendkívül kreatív megoldásokra alkalmas, így kínálatunkat úgy alakítottuk ki, hogy az bárki számára elégséges legyen.

Tieback hooks

Hanging curtains can be fixed to your wall easily with the help of any tieback hooks.

Draw rods

Apparel useful for moving any curtains, even those fixed at bigger heights.